Monday, April 22, 2013

Hello hello!

Apologies to any regular readers for my brief hiatus. With no notice whatsoever (as is typical with these things), our home internet conked out in the same week that I finished work to go on maternity leave. So it's been a week and a half for me with no internet access, save for on my phone - which is fine for checking emails but not so great for writing blog posts.

For Bibliohubby, the loss of internet for any period of time is akin to losing a limb. I'm not keen either, but at least I have been able to keep busy as I sit and wait for this new little bub to show up in our lives, by trying to get vaguely organised during the three days each week when Iggy is in daycare. A week ago the new baby had no bed, no drawer space allocated to her sweet little pink clothes, and I had no hospital bag packed. Now, less than a week away from my due date, I feel like we may be able to cope if she turns up tomorrow.

Tiny weeny bed ready for our little girl

A few books read or finished in the meantime, too, so stay posted for new reviews coming soon. 

Thanks for your patience.

1 comment:

  1. I know just how your hubby feels. The first job having arrived in Australia from the UK (a trip of 46 hours door to door) was to (after a jolly good sleep) purchase a Telstra 3G wotzit for my iPad. Once I had that....bliss. Access whilst in bed keeping on top of the inbox!
