Monday, December 30, 2013

Mindy Kaling - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)

I love Mindy Kaling. I loved her before reading this book and now, having read it, I love her even more. I actually feel like she's one of my girlfriends and we hang out all the time. I love her TV show, The Mindy Project, and I loved The Office (before it jumped the shark. But even after that I watched every episode). So it's no surprise that I would also enjoy this book.

I guess I'm new to the comedian-memoir genre. I read Tina Fey's Bossy Pants a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it but haven't read any thing else since that I would classify in this way. I know Chelsea Handler has a book out right now but I don't find her funny (sorry Chelsea).

Anyway, Bibliohubby and I share a love of comedy and so I think I have more of this kind of reading in my future.

But this book - I think one of the reasons I liked it so much and read it so quickly, in spite of everything happening around me right now, is that it feels like a best-friendship unfolding on the page. I really wish MK was my best friend. Not even kidding. She talks a lot about her friendships in this book and I love that she describes her friends as more likely to tell ghost stories in the dark than tell raunchy stories about guys - not just when they were teenagers, now. In a chapter about best friends (it's that kind of book), she writes that 'it is super weird for us not to share a bed' if boyfriends are away or she is on a trip with a friend. 'How else will we talk until we fall asleep?' This made me miss my besties on the other side of the world. I have yet to make that kind of friend here in Canada.

MK loves Will Ferrell and hero-worships Amy Poehler and wishes married people would realize they are the happy ending to the fairy tale and act that way instead of complaining all the time about what hard work it is. She is frenemies with Rainn Wilson. She has an architecturally decorated study but does her writing in bed. And she probably won't lose weight and get all skinny because even though she might fantasize about getting super fit and fighting baddies, there are other things more important to her.

What a great read. I'm worried that it will take me a few days to come down from this and realize MK and I are not besties in real life. Now all I have left is The Mindy Project. If The Mindy Project gets cancelled I will be very, very upset.

Overall rating: I am giving this three stars because I enjoyed it so much, but it's not great literature - it doesn't have to be. Go and read it though. I'm serious.

Note: In case you're interested, these are some other comedians whose books I would read (not an exhaustive list): Arj Barker, Louis C. K., Nick Offerman (I am about to borrow his book from Bibliohubby and will post about it when I do), Amy Poehler, Will Ferrell, Stephen Colbert, Steve Carrell, Megan McCarthy.

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